Musings of a Fashionista

DON’T… Grocery store editon

Posted on: March 5, 2010

Ah, the grocery store. We all have to go there, but some people (aka, moi) go not only for their long lists of food, but to check out what people think looks “cool”. I saw 3 notables:

1. Double offender: she was wearing a mini with knee-high boots, he was wearing his ‘pants on the ground’. Sweetie, just because you dress badly doesn’t mean your boyfriend has to copy your style.

2. Pink with purple. Yes, they’re both great colors, but not together.

3. Exercise tights, with tube socks. Tube socks are wrong. Especially with skin tight leggings.

DON'T... grocery store edition
Hugs and air Kisses,
The Fashionista

6 Responses to "DON’T… Grocery store editon"

Hey! I like pink with purple!

I like tube socks and do wear them with my exercise tights. I need the cushion of the socks with my sneakers or they would hurt my feet. Fashion is good but blisters are not!!!

I do like pink and purple with green thrown in for summer in a pattern. Looks fresh and summery.

1 haha!! sweetie!!

So I should wear pink and purple pants on the ground? I am so confused.

Um, no. You’re not supposed to wear pink with purple. Or your pants on the ground, with the plaid boxers hanging out.

What if the boxers are pink?

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